Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Teamwork vs Solo Creatorship

I personally think that the sole-oriented author process does allow the work to be more in tune with the creator's vision of what they want the comic to be.  They can envision each panel and execute every page exactly as they see it in their mind.  The sole creator allows the reader into their mind and creates a work that is purely their vision.  This also allows the comic to flow nicely without discrepancies, especially if it's a series of comics.  Sometimes when the original creator passes their creation on to a new individual, that person simply can't replicate what the original creator did and the quality of the story decreases.

However, there is something to be said for a collaborative process.  I truly believe that having more contributors allows a story to be more creative with elaborate twists and turns that one mind alone can't necessarily think up again and again. Honestly, with some of these comics I wonder what it would have been like for the sole creators to hold collaboration issues with others in their field.  What stories would come out of that?  What new ideas would be created and come to fruition?  What new characters and personality traits would come to light?  In my mind, if a sole creator sticks to their original characters and story most of the time, but occasionally allows for collaborations with others to keep things interesting and get new insights, that would be the ideal sole-oriented process,  It allows the creator complete control, but also lets others in to see how far the characters and stories are capable of going beyond the thoughts of one mind alone.

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