Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Not What I Expected

Before reading The Batman Chronicles the only exposure I had to the iconographic Batman was through watching Christopher Nolan's, The Dark Knight (2008). While reading the first installment of the comic I was most surprised by the color scheme, which creates the 'campy' depiction we've described in class. I found that the color of Batman's costume in contrast to the setting in many of the panels, particularly the background color, served to make Batman look out of place instead of accentuating his dark and brooding persona. I had anticipated a dark, color scheme that accentuated a noir story, but found that Bob Kane's color choices sometimes contradicted with the story being told. The comic looks to be made for young readers, in which children can live vicariously through Batman's adventures. Personally I prefer a darker version, more in-line with The Dark Knight (2008) that I am used to.

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