Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Vulnerability is Strength

While Batman doesn't have the same super powers as Superman, he does have sort of excess of power. When he punches or kicks men off of roofs or out of windows, he does so as a result of his physical power over these men. Kane and Finger show Batman's superhuman status through a physical prowess that not even Batman can control. The idea of power out of control echoes again as Batman swings through the air breaking Mikhail's neck with a on page 34.

To add danger and suspense, Kane and Finger add vulnerability to Batman as the story progresses. Early on, Batman only flees men with guns temporarily, often returning to beat them up once the threat of their gun has been distracted. He only gets captured by traps or magic towards the middle of the Chronicle, and only overpowered by people knocking him out from behind.

By the time the reader gets to the end of the Chronicle, they find the Joker, who stand toe to toe with Batman physically. Finger and Kane have learned a new way to showcase Batman's power. The caped crusader has a more accessible super power; tenaciousness. Batman has taken beatings and always comes back. While he loses fights to Dr. Strange's giants and Joker in their respective stories, he triumphs in the end. 

Whereas Kane and finger attempted to make a character similar to Superman in power at the beginning of their comics, it appears they learned something along the way. By differentiating Batman from Superman, he becomes a more successful character. Batman's vulnerability is his strength.


  1. I very much agree with you Ty. For myself, and I would argue for most of the class, we enjoyed this comic far more than we did Superman primarily because of the reality that Batman is a mortal human that actually faces risk, while Superman is never truly in the face of danger which takes away the thrill of his adventures.

  2. I also agree. In class we discussed the deconstruction of Batman in The Dark Knight Returns, but could this original Batman also function as a deconstruction of Superman? He has physical vulnerability and human emotional/character flaws that Superman lacked, and is only able to be on the superhero level after mental and physical training.


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