Wednesday, September 16, 2015

A Hero Among Us

   The Superman of these early comics is a very different superhero from the Superman that is popular today.  Contemporary views of him are as a stoic defender of justice, who will always beat up the bad guy in the end.  A style that he didn't always have.  The Superman in these early comics was much less of a brute.  Rather than beat up the villain, early Superman dressed up and would rather teach them a lesson.  This is a very large shift in character!
    I think that this early Superman is much more interesting to readers.  He is hidden, always among us.  I think that this aspect of Superman makes him more human.  Superman could be anyone secretly teaching us lessons.  This bring the story more into the real world and allows the reader to even see themselves as some of the characters in the story.  The newer Superman who flies around and shoots lasers from his eyes is much more difficult to relate to.

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