Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Hero I Don't Know

I was quite surprised to see Wonder Woman depicted this way in the comics read for class. I am not used to this portrayal and rather know Wonder woman as a strong-willed character that is not bound by any weaknesses of man. In the fairly recent DC comics being published these days, she is not infatuated by Steve Trevor but, I believe, only shows interest in him because he is the first man she has ever seen. Also it is rather Steve who develops a fascination for her and struggles to confess this to her, all the while she remains blind and does not reciprocate his feelings. In DC's New 52 series, Wonder Woman shows interest in Superman and it is only because she believes he possesses power comparable to hers. Even then it is superman who turns out to be in love with her more than she cares for him. I therefore believe that although the comics we read for class do not do her justice as a robust icon for feminism, her character has developed greatly towards this purpose in recent times. To go even further, in a series titled: Injustice: Gods among us, examines a torn justice league and a corrupted Superman who seeks to impose his rule on earth. I like how Wonder Woman is represented here even though she ends up on the wrong side (Superman's side). It seems like she is more firm and loyal in her beliefs and ensures that her will is not compromised in anyway. We see this when she is called by decree of Zeus (her father) and the gods to defeat superman in combat. She ardently refuses at first but eventually agrees to honor a pact her mother made, in order to spare her life. Wonder woman is able to defeat superman in this battle and this is a big moment for her character because she easily conquers the mightiest hero on earth.

Here are some images to enjoy.



  1. Seeing you mention Wonder Woman's communications with Zeus make me curious about the extent of her communications with her family of deities over the years. I'm sure some writers, when tasked with creating a new installment of the Wonder Woman franchise, elect to play up this connection, while others decide to keep it sidelined. To me, this connection to the classical world of old is one of Wonder Woman's cooler, more interesting parts of her origin story, so I'm glad to see that people are continuing to expand it.

    1. I agree, I also feel like the story is more exciting and has more ammunition when the old gods come into the picture


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