Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wonder Woman as a Guardian Angel

Throughout Steve Trevor's first encounters with Wonder Woman, he is enthralled by her beauty and constantly refers to her as an "angel."  By page 27, Wonder Woman corrects his statement by saying "a guardian angel is more like it!"

I have never read the early Wonder Woman comics before and was struck by how often her appearance is referenced, but also by how Steve in particular continues to return to his usage of "angel" and "angelic."  Surely, as Wonder Woman herself points out, she is indeed acting the part of a guardian angel as she continuously saves Steve and gets him out of trouble.  But isn't that what all superheroes do- act as guardian angels for the unfortunate beings of the world?  Why, then, is there such an emphasis on Wonder Woman being an "angel" to Steve and not much more?  He indeed glorifies her beauty, and by making an angel reference he conjures up images of peaceful, beautiful paintings and poised statues depicted throughout history.  But that certainly isn't Wonder Woman.  She needs to correct him within the last panel on page 27.  She needs to reassert herself to Steve and the viewer that she may look the part of an angel, but she is also an active participant who gets Steve out of trouble and saves the day.  Perhaps the constant usage of "angel" was a way to feminize Wonder Woman so she didn't end up being seen as too masculine; refer to her angelic beauty, dress her in a skirt, pose her in a certain way, etc.  But Wonder Woman sees herself as more of a guardian than anything else, and I agree with her perception.  She's a fighter, and "guardian" is a much more befitting title than "angel."

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