Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Is Superman Truly Effective?

Is fighting crime the best use of Superman's powers? No it is not. Most of Superman's adventures deals with him fighting crime, whether against a tyrannical ruler or against bank robbers. Sure this is all very helpful to the individuals he saves. However, if he really wanted to help as much people as possible, Superman could put his abilities to better use. For example, one of Superman's core powers is his super-speed. With this, he is able to run faster than a speeding bullet and able to arrive in dangerous, time-sensitive situations in a matter of seconds.However, I propose that a better and alternative use of these powers would be akin to the process of harvesting electricity using hydro-power. Hydro-power is one method of generating electricity by releasing water from a dam or a reservoir through a turbine, thereby spinning it and producing electricity. Hypothetically, if we place Superman into this turbine and have him turn and spin it manually with his super-speed and super-strength, then we could theoretically create a limitless amount of electricity for the whole world. Therefore, Superman could have solved the energy crisis easily if he was not so busy fighting evil doers. 

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