Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Prior to this class, or this week of reading I had little to no knowledge of anything about Wonder Woman. I knew that she was in like Justice League, or some superhero show I used to watch when I was younger but nothing of her origins, or really any singular story about her. What stood out to me the most about the Wonder Woman comics was the ancient Greek influence. I had absolutely no idea about it. I enjoyed that part of it but didn't the content of the first few comics for whatever reason, I just don't really like army stuff. I really loved the illustrations though. When were reading Superman I expected the illustrations to look more like they did in Wonder Woman, but I guess thats from some preconceived notion that I have. Anyway, the illustrations in Wonder Woman were very vivid, and also there is use of a lot of color, everything seemed very dark to me. I think that there were a lot of dark shadings used which contributes to the darkness, but also a lot of text in each panel.

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