Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Saving the day without the suit.

In the third issue of the series we get a glimpse of Clark Kent saving the day not as the mighty superman, but disguised as a mere miner. It is interesting because there seems to be a line drawn between both characters. Clark is depicted as a regular, clumsy, barely charming individual who is continuously pestered by his co workers and constantly rejected by his love interest Lois Lane. Conversely, Superman is the man of tomorrow, with endless capabilities and remarkable abilities. He stands tall as the inspiration to mankind as well as a savior. Plus he easily steals the heart of Lois Lane. Here we have two personalities on opposite ends of a spectrum but yet are one in the same. Throughout the comic, we usually see the character as Superman in his suit performing the heroic feats while Clark is the concealment to blend in among man. But there is a point in the comic where Clark (disguised as a miner) rescues a miner trapped in a cave. At this point, I find it strange that he did not don the cape and tights and rescue the man as Superman but for some reason he disguises himself as a powerless individual. It is weird because his identity would not be at risk if he had appeared as superman, just like the numerous times he reveals himself as superman stopping the bad guys and saving the day. How was this episode so different? Could this be re-enforcement that we must not think of the two personalities as separate entities although they each present distinct traits, and be ready to witness heroism regardless of which character is portrayed?

1 comment:

  1. I noticed as well how Superman is not so much about the cape as it is about his character- and this may be why donning glasses is enough to render Superman unrecognizable. In Action Comics no. 6 on page 78, we see Superman the imposter- but it's the imposter's character that gives him away: Louis Lane says, "I've already med superman personally, and so I know definitely that this man is an out-and-out phony!"

    Superman also does superman things when not in his costume; as you pointed out, he saves people as a miner, and not dressed in his characteristic costume. This happens more than once, which is an interesting cross between hero and reporter. Ultimately, the first Superman chronicles seem to suggest that Superman is more his strong, aggressive personality than the costume he wears.

    It is interesting that in terms of who is the alter ego, if Clark Kent is the alter ego, it's interesting that Superman is the one wearing the costume.


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