Wednesday, October 28, 2015

More complexity in text

I personally liked reading Xmen series, because the characters and the speech balloons in Xmen series are more complex and interesting than those in the other comics. Unlike the speech bubbles in superhero comics that we have read thus far, the speech balloons in this comic aren’t just mere repetitions of the graphics, but rather are extensions of the graphics. Moreover, in Xmen #1, there are barely any caption boxes, because the explanations as to what is going on are demonstrated in the speech balloons through the dialogues, thus making the comic more engaging. The lack of caption boxes also puts the readers in the character’s perspective. When there are a lot of caption boxes explaining the scenes, the readers often read the comics in third person perspective. However, when the caption boxes are absent and the explanations are done through the dialogue, the readers can position themselves in the character’s point of view and learn more about the plot and the other characters.
I personally find the dialogue in Xmen very important and effective in character development. For example, by examining the dialogue, the readers can not only learn about the personalities of the characters by looking at how they talk, but also learn about the interpersonal relationships between the characters.

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