Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Similar plot?

These stories tend to end with the criminals--usually killers--getting what they deserve: death. After reading a couple stories you can begin to predict what will happen to the criminals once the story is completed, which somehow took away from the suspense generated within these tales. I must add however, that this, at least for me, did not make reading the subsequent stories mundane or tiresome. I was still intrigued and wanted to keep on going. I guess each story was just so different in its own way in terms of scenario, that made me want to keep reading. For instance, even though many stories depicted a lot of dysfunctional marriages or relationships which ended up in the killings/deaths of a partner as a resolution, they did not get old because I felt each was distinct in its own way. hence I enjoyed almost all the stories. As a matter of fact, I think they got better as I kept on reading.

1 comment:

  1. Jangu -- I had a pretty similar sentiment while reading Crime Suspenstories. All the comics are thematically pretty similar, in that someone is always trying to take advantage of a situation or another person, but their plan backfires and they end up dead or psychologically disturbed by the end. I would also have to agree with you that this consistency didn't deter me from reading one comic to the next. I think this series successfully draws in the reader because each scenario will creep or psych you out in a different way from the previous scenario. In fact, I'm amazed at how many crimes stories EC Comics was able to churn out, despite the campiness of some them.


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