Wednesday, October 28, 2015

X-men vs. Avengers

To me, the X-men have always felt like more of a team than the Avengers. Besides their coordinated outfits, the X-men train, learn, and live together. While the Avengers feels like a bunch of individual characters thrown together whose powers come from very different sources, the X-men all gained their power through genetic mutations. The X-men even have a coach-type figure, the wise Professor X. Through their banter and horse play in the first comic we can see how much of a family they are like. This is not to put down the Avengers, but as a group the X-men are more relatable. The X-men, as we have discussed, are a group of outsiders, while the Avengers are a combination of the “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.” The X-men can appeal to all of us who have ever felt like we didn’t fit in. The X-men show how even those who society rejects can still make a positive impact. This sends a powerful message that when we work together we can make change even if we are not embraced by the mainstream. The Avengers show again how the strong will be strong. If the two teams were really to fight to the finish (at risk of sounding corny) it would be a close, as we saw in X-men #9, and I would argue really could go either way easily.

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